
Saturday, October 1, 2011

talk to me

most of my blogs have been self-obsessed monologues, and really, that seems to be the inherent nature of blogging. far from enjoying an adoring public  (and haha, it might just be me and maybe rui reading this!) i really don't know who reads this, if at all! sure, i put links on facebook and under some facebook photos so i'm guessing most readers would be friends, or at the very least facebook friends. having made it a point to only add people i actually know semi-well on facebook, it'd be safe to assume that i personally know most of the readers. and then i occasionally comment on other blogs and perhaps some of those bloggers / readers clickity clicked over to mine. maybe.

i've made a few friends over the blogosphere who i'm grateful for and i'm decreasingly wary of trolls, though they're definitely out there!

either way, it'll be great to know who you are, where you're from and what you're doing, if you'd be comfortable leaving a comment and saying hi :) these three questions are the quintessentials of college socialising and i feel it's apt to extend them to this back-to-school blog.  i've also edited all the previous posts to end with a question, if you'd rather respond to something more specific, and it'd be great to hear back.
thanks for swinging by, and for taking the time to follow the adventure. while i maintain i post for myself and my memory, because i'd forget everything if i didn't, it's nice to have other people along for the ride.


  1. hi jojoy! it's yuka from your class in 4SY. have to admit that i've been a silent lurker on your blog, hope it doesn't freak you out. congratulations on getting into med school in UK. i've just finished one academic year in the UK, and now i'm back in the sunny island for a break.

    looking forward to reading your next entries.

  2. hi yuka! thank you very much for sayingg hi :) and of course i know who you are, you're the only yuka i know. flattered you visit and no shame in lurking, silently or otherwise. appreciate the good wishes. it's been a huge transition but i'm happy to be here :) how was your year in the uk? the country takes some getting used to, huh ;)
