
Saturday, October 8, 2011

living spaces

it's really not half bad.

thought long and hard before putting these up. there's something really personal about where you sleep at night and while i don't think i'd share photos of my (home) bedroom, i feel less of a connection to this room. 

it's comfortable enough, wish i had a bigger bed but c'est la vie d'une étudiante! you can't see the fairy lights (or can you?) but they make all the difference at night when i refuse to switch on the awful ceiling light in the middle of my room. so far, i'm getting by with the desk lamp, bedside table lamp and fairy lights. 

yet more than the actual living space, it's the lifestyle i'm relishing. i suddenly have so much time it's unbelievable. and life is simple when all you need to do is care for yourself. there's temptation to be selfish, to do whatever i want whenever i want so i've been following em's sound advice that this life isn't all about me, although it sure seems like that right now :) have settled into a comfortable routine and learning to appreciate even the mundane tasks like doing dishes and laundry. and as things speed up in school, these little chore pockets are surprisingly good down time to take a step back and ruminate about the day's class. then again, i doubt i'll be pondering the central dogma as i scrape dried food out of my pot...

another temptation i'm resisting with every fibre of my being is lapsing into my pizza-a-day habit in stockholm. oh the perils of living with a construction worker who offered to pick up a pizza for me every time he got one. this happened on a daily basis and before i knew it, i was a whale.

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