
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

the local

we'd a couple of days between houseguests and to celebrate it being "just us" at home again, the mister and i decided to check out a sweet little bar nearby. while i'm anti-hunting (killing for sport?! GO AWAY ALREADY!) i couldn't help but appreciate the beautiful trophy on the wall.

and i love being newlyweds with minimal responsibility and all the time in the world. sure you've heard of DINK (dual income no kids) and worse yet, DINS (leave that to your imagination) but SINK (single income no kids), to me, is the place to be, as long as you're not the sole breadwinner heh :)

i've said before and i'll say it again that i'm humbled by the mister, by how hard he works and everything he does to support our little family of two. i know it's not easy and i like to think our lifestyle is far from lavish, but he spoils me nevertheless and for that i'm incredibly grateful. also, the C word has been coming up a fair bit lately and i'm so happy we're on the same page. as and when it happens (oh god please do give us children one day!) it'll be on our terms and when we are ready. i mean the whole point of tying the knot early-ish is so we've more time together, to see the world and realise our dreams (cliched but true!) before the pitter patter of little teos. strongly believe in seasons, and how there's a season for everything. we've had time to grow individually, and now's a time to grow as a couple before we grow with our offspring. looking forward to that :) but enjoying the present and what's immediately ahead too much to be too fussed about them bebes.

and, seriously, nothing beats the freedom of being able to just up and go, and the sweet joy of being selfish and self-indulgent. so on that note, we're just back from paris last weekend (second time in as many months, eurostar how i love thee) and we're driving from london to bruges to celebrate the mister's birthday and roadtripping norway next month. all these wonderful wanderlust-satiating things on a whim that we won't have the luxury of if 1. we had kids 2. lived in singapore. so for now, complain as i do about the tube, bus, weather and banks, london suits us just fine :)

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