
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

being tourists in paris

it so happens that some of our dearest friends live in paris, and i've had the privilege of spending many happy days as a guest* in their home. in fact, they were even so kind as to come all the way to singers for our wedding celebration a year ago. hadn't seen them since and am always happy to catch them, be it in paris, chamonix or london. so it turned out to be paris this time and despite their big move and les garcons' major exams, the family turned out in full force for dinner at the lourve. now i was initially apprehensive because cafe*marly had TOURIST written all over it. but it turned out to be quite the palate pleaser, and dinner while it's still bright out with a view of the pyramids? count me in.

*reading this again got me all nostalgic and gosh i used to be way more healthy-living than i am now :( oh medsch, what have you done to me!

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