
Monday, October 8, 2012

fire fighting

whenever we said "fire fighting" at work, it'd mean that we were literally deep in damage control mode, trying to mitigate a potential disaster. however, i'd fire fighting of the more literal kind last night. the mister sure knows how to take the edge off the commute by plying me with good wine and better oysters, both of which i'm partial to. thrilled he picked a lovely place for a thursday date and how he even managed to get out of work by 930 is miraculous in and of itself. again, i maintain singaporeans whinge so much (about working hours, about public transport, about GST, about income tax) without realising JUST HOW GOOD they have it. without saying too much, the mister works for an english company and ohmyword their hours are far from wife-friendly.... and give me the MRT over the tube any day. and 7% GST? try 20% VAT. don't get me started on income tax - the very thing that's going to see us back to singapore after i'm done qualifying.

unintended rant aside (sorry i digress, singers boleh and i miss it so) in the middle of dinner, a napkin at the next table suddenly caught fire. the mister first spotted the smoke but as i was closer, i grabbed the napkin and snuffed out the fire without thinking. wow wow, talk about these newly acquired lightning fast reflexes! admittedly, they caught me on a good day because i'm usually a lot less responsive. or maybe it's medsch and how i'm constantly on my toes, so much so that fast reactions are now second nature. anyhoos, the patrons at the next table were mega grateful and when we asked for the bill, the waiter surprised us by COMP-ING OUR DINNER. dundundunnnn!!!

now if there's anything that turns my inner el cheapo more on than stopping the next london fire in its tracks, it's FREE FOOD. sigh, keeping it classy...

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