
Sunday, October 7, 2012

coping mechanisms

we joke that one year into medsch and our limited coping mechanism remain, well, limited. G had a bad week and being the good friend i am, i had to sympathy eat with her. guess it's not called comfort eating when you're not the one who needs comforting. to be fair, i was feeling marginally overwhelmed by the demands of second year and exactly how much is expected of us. 

maccas has always been our thing and that's how we hit it off in first year. we discovered, quite unfortunately, that our student cards scored us a free cheeseburger or mcflurry with every extra value meal. having worked for a decade before going back to school, G was thrilled by our little victory. speaking of G, i can't get over how supremely qualified she is, but then again i look around our little graduate group and can't believe how at least two of them have PhDs already, a couple have masters and i'm not the only one with a law degree. so much for being special... G also has 5 (!!!) children aged 3-13 and, to me, she re-defines superwoman. so when superwoman needs a maccas fix, it's not cool to say no.

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