
Monday, March 5, 2012

birthday dinner

not a big fan of birthdays but hey, any excuse to have him fly around the world to me :)

the dining scene is admittedly fad-y and unabashed, i was suckered by this choice picking by the water. nothing like views of the quay, and imaginative cooking. funny story - i called up to ask if they did free cakes because it was "my date's birthday". the cheapos did not! but by then it was too late to back pedal and 'fess up that it wasn't really my date's birthday. oopsy! props to the manfriend for taking one for the team and not minding (too) much that somehow i got the waiter to serenade him and present him with a decorated plate on his (not) birthday. 

had mixed feelings about this birthday, precipitated by a mini-wobble the night before. you know, one of those existential angst moments. realised that i was x years old with nothing to show for it. thank goodness the manfriend was around to knock some sense into me. he reminded me to count my blessings and hmm that's my take home message for the year, which has, contrary to my puny perception, been nothing short of monumental. since my last birthday, i've gotten into medsch, been proposed to, called to the singapore bar and started medsch. so much to be thankful for! and between now and my next birthday, i'll be done with first year, have gotten married and have begun calling london home. which, really, is all in line with my grand plan to be a happilymarriedqualifieddoctorlawyermother by the time i hit the big 3-0, which, thankfully, is still a good few years away.

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