so last time i blogged about parallel lives, the manfriend and i were sleeping at the same time despite the 8 hour time difference.
this time, i'm constantly amazed by the war stories we swap at the end of the day.
he tells me about his clients, and his cases, i tell him about the patients and their cases.
appreciate having an understanding of the legal framework, so i can roll my eyes when the other side asks last minute for an extension of deadline to file their f&bp (further and better particulars). when clients refuse to settle and things turn ugly, i get to take the moral highground of "aiyoh, no wisdom...". it sometimes boils down to taking instructions from people you've scant respect for, as they dig bigger graves, while you're billing to relieve them from self-induced trouble. better yet, we get a kick out of facebook because on more than one occasion, the opposing counsel's next move has slipped out onto the www. most recently, a sneaky request for extension was soon followed by the associate on the other side posting photos of herself in paris. so we compare these with my stories, about how this patient was in with that condition. one thing they've in common? most times it's a self-induced situation but somehow, when it's a matter of life and death, people are more amiable to taking professional advice.
and the manfriend is fast picking up medical jargon! my goodness, that boy is a sponge. when he visited, he impressed the grads with his sound knowledge of all we'd learnt so far. like he could literally join in the inevitable med-related discussion without skipping a beat. to think he's picked it up over skype in a mere few months. soon he'll be able to differentially diagnose!
this cross-pollination thrills me no end. i'm still learning about law from him and thank goodness he isn't bored to tears by my enthusiasm for medicine. this whole being in medsch has brought an unexpected dimension to our lives and i'm so glad he takes a keen interest in what i'm learning.
sue & sew LLC here we come ;)
and if you'd like to read, have a hospital story coming right up tomorrow.