
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


it was a secret project to see just how much of my life i could take with me and i think we now know the answer is 100kg. 

sent an advance party of 20kg with my mother who passed through london earlier this month, single-handedly carted 60kg myself (thank you, thank you very much) and the remaining 20kg will arrive tomorrow with my most reluctant mule.

so there i was, all smug about my minimalist nature and ascetic lifestyle, when all of a sudden i realised i really needed my stuff.  how's that for a revelation. no amount of pragmatism would separate me from the junk i'd lovingly acquired at home. 

which is how i ended carrying 14kg in a tote not meant to bear more than 5. looking at my bag, one would think i'd serious trust issues to not let even my hairdryer go into the baggage hold.

but mule #2 just texted so say he managed to lob a decade off his age, affect nonchalance and waltz right through the check-in masquerading as a student so i know the rest of my luggage is now on its way to me.

tomorrow's moving in day! wish me luck :)


  1. oh la la! high-five, 100kg is the exact same weight that i carted over the first time i went to oxford. oh yes, all 8 bags/suitcases of it. thank goodness my college had a "welcoming committee" i.e. porters to help me with my bags in the rain. love love xx rui

  2. hi rui :) takes one pack rat to know another. rain and manual labour do not go. glad you didn't have to do the heavy duty moving yourself. mule's gone on to shop and partayyy with his buddies before going home so i am well and truly alone again. eek. takes some getting used to haha.
