it doesn't look like the most palatable of meals but porridge is serious comfort food around these parts. felt terrible for parents who were stranded in france when the eurostar got broken. incidentally, cousin and cousin in law were lucky to be on the very last train through the chunnel before subsequent services got cancelled. what a nightmare. poor parents (in their 60s! with lots of bags! and not speaking a word of french!) had to make their way from ulu town to paris then to CDG and very luckily got onto the last 2 seats on the last flight of the day to london. well, not london but luton. instead of meeting brother at st pancras at 4ish, having an early dins then moseying to mine where they were gonna spend the night, they landed at luton about 10ish at night and only got to mine past midnight. was incredulous that they'd not eaten since lunch and were in a fairly buoyant mood despite the delay. of course this happened on a day when i was super busy at work and only bothered to check plans with brother about 5pm, to be fillled in about the day's drama.
brother came over about 9 for dins round 1 (chicken rice) then re-purposed the rice cooker to do porridge for parents ETA midnight. felt like all i did that evening was cook and clean...
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