it's been some time! 2016 off to a flying start and um, how is it already march??? time's been whizzing past and the busier real life gets, the quieter things are on the blog front. final year is progressing at break-neck pace and i keep pinching myself wondering how exactly i'm going to sit and be done with finals in three (!!!) months! but the more i think about it, the more accessible / achievable this insurmountable goal is. left with eight weeks of surgery and in the middle of that we've a two week easter break. yay! sound like a broken recorder but i really like what i do and am ever joyous to have cut losses and made the switch when i did. it's surreal to think about how in a matter of months i'm the doctor, i'm the one where the buck stops and i've to take responsibility for my decisions. feeling increasingly prepared for the mantle and am just excited, really, to move on with life! speaking of which, got some fab news yesterday and my first job is going to be in central london, hopefully at a hospital two streets from the flat. that's unheard of and i'm so very grateful, so humbled, by how things have worked out. to get my first choice deanery when the odds were daunting, to say the least, is beyond belief. but God!
as a doctor, visibility is something in woefully short supply and i'm just glad to know where i'm going to be for the next two years. one day at a time? yet it feels a little premature to be celebrating my first job before clearing the little hurdle that is finals!
i'm sorry, this must be very boring talk! logistics and future and other adult-y things i've been putting off as long as possible because my castle is the clouds is where i'd rather be. have some posts coming up with photos and brief commentary of life of late. do check back, if you'd like to see :)
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