
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

coastal walking

have a strong aversion to the gym and haven't run since last summer but figure i'm on my feet enough most days. don't believe in doing something over and above and much rather incorporate light physical activity into my routine. like walking to the shop for groceries. don't like the idea of ruining my joints with heavy pounding, nor have the desire to continue to strength/weight train in perpetuity once i start. it's the sustainability that i find pressuring, like once i start it's no good if i ever stop. and of course i'm bound to stop because i'm only human and have a gnat's attention span. 

so going for a walk on the weekend is about the exercise limit and even better if it's preceded by a greasy fry-up before, cake and coffee after, and maybe a pint or two. probably terrible overcompensation for negligible exertion because more often then not start with the best of intentions but 'go for a walk' becomes 'go for a drive' and the occasional photo stop because i'm such a tourist. 

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