
Thursday, December 3, 2015

it's beginning to look

don't usually run on nerves but had excess nervous energy before psych exam and felt the need to expend it. last thing i'd want was to be all pressure of speech (hahah) during the assessment. also haven't exercised in over a month and thought to get the circulation going. it's embarrassing, really, when classmates talk about running times and i'm so easily impressed. but running slowly is better than not running at all? did a short one and stopped to take more photos than actual running but it did the trick and i was less antsy when it came to my afternoon slot. 

to celebrate after, broke out the cute cheese plate dear R gifted me when she stayed and thought to put up some christmas decorations. read somewhere that there should be things that reflect awareness of the seasons so here's me trying to look put-together for once. excuse the chavy taste, it's poundland's finest i'm afraid. but what i like about the window sill is that it's got things from people near and dear to me. the robin in the bell jar was cleverly improvised by C after we wandered round covent garden one day and she noticed me longingly eyeing something similar in a hipster shop but refusing to spend money. the lino print is of local spots i've visited recently and have fond memories of. one of the bottles was a wedding present from my winemaker friend who knows my weakness for californian pinot, the other bottle is almost older than i am and misappropriated from my parents' cellar (shh)... and a thoughtful card from a new friend whose kind words never fail to cheer me up.

scored some local aged tenderloin and did a simple pan fry for dins, then followed a friend's tip and roasted apple (while potatoes in oven) to serve with natural yoghurt for pud.

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