
Thursday, November 27, 2014


it's been back to lectures/seminars these couple of months and i'm missing the on-my-feet activity being in clinics afforded. in an attempt to be less sedentary, i've been trying to do a daily or every two day supermarket run. less to carry and any excuse to walk to town for free waitrose cawfee ;) 

spotted a whole stand of le beaujolais noveau* yesterday and was instantly transported to the cold evening in stockholm when i was first introduced to it. not old enough to have accumulated too many personal traditions as yet but do like when things fall into a natural rhythm. more clever marketing than a truly stellar wine but hey, anything meant to be appreciate young and chilled (both qualities i try to embody!) has my vote of confidence. of course, a young red needs company and i was quick to pick up cheese, grapes, anchovy stuffed olives and crackers. would've been complete with charcuterie but was thought to go easy on the nitrates. one thing about waitrose is that they do the essential cheese box for under £4 but inevitably it's not the most impressive of selections. somehow feel there's no reward for sloth and i'm more inclined to pick my own brie and blue which comes to the same price. also had a lovely block of parmesan knocking around the fridge from a pumpkin bacon carbonara last week so didn't need to subject myself to the essential range cheddar.

unintentionally a fully waitrose dinner with the cheeses nibbled and beaujolais imbibed as the spatchcock chicken we jokingly refer to as roadkill roasted in its tray. different year, different company but same le beaujolais noveau. always a good time :)

*annually released on the third thursday of november. there used to be a race to bring the newly released bottles to london!

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