
Wednesday, November 5, 2014


it was J's birthday a few days ago! you might remember him from earlier posts. we met at the mature student (sigh) orientation and he's officially my first friend at uni round 2. can't believe this is the fourth birthday we're celebrating together, and sort of feel we've all come a long way from clueless first years to even more clueless fourth years. celebration-wise, the ante's been upped from a surprise kladdkaka in the common room to a self-styled 'luxury japanese buffet'. we spent birthday numbers 2 and 3 at a BYOB lebanese but think J thought to mix things up a bit. plus the birthday person gets to eat for free at this new-ish place.

what i found funny was how the rest commented how it took four years (!!!) for them to see me 'let my hair down'. adamant that i only drink 1. on weekends 2. with the mister so if we were to hang out in the week / without the mister, i'm a cheap date who's done after half a pint. but in my defence, it was £8 for unlimited drinks including asahi and sake and all self-restraint went out of the window. didn't help that the mister was in NYC for the week and not around to rein me in. then again, it's only with him that i feel safe enough to get inebriated. anyhoos we did hot sake japanese style because J and T coincidentally both taught english in japan before realising their doctor dreams (no pouring your own! no sipping! down the shot and get on with it!) which made for much warmth on an otherwise cold evening. that's the thing about alcohol - i do enjoy it when the mood hits but not on a regular basis. phew. with a slightly addictive personality, it's that fine balance between appreciation and obsession. plus i'm conscious how it's a grade iii carcinogen (yikes!) and too calorific for comfort. such a downer, as you can tell, drinking with me is a ton of fun...

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