
Monday, May 12, 2014


when we first visted capri in late 2007, this what how it looked. all dreary and gloomy and totally wrong season! so you can imagine my sheer delight when we returned in 2014 to this glorious sight.

the mister played it smart by choosing a sweet little converted holiday villa in anacapri because we could not bring ourselves to pay capri prices for accommodation. there's definitely a 20-30% premium to stay on the island and we're just not at the stage where we'll fling good money after bad hotels. that said, if not for nostalgic reasons (last time we couldn't afford to stay on capri!) i would not recommend spending the night as a day trip suffices. even anacapri wasn't cheap but it was more affordable, although i didn't think the auberge was particularly good value. oh well, went in with eyes open and accepted that you pay through the nose to enjoy 24h island life.

we did have a lovely room with our biggest balcony yet and i may or may not have climbed over three balconies, trespassed the neighbours' rooms and flashed an unsuspecting gardener in the process of taking the pool photo.

we were in capri over easter weekend and caught the easter procession with a mannequin jesus and scary mary. the whole town centre was quiet and shrouded in darkness as the church peeps paraded through in their robes. there was the most sombre marching band ever and nice and atmospheric despite the creepy effigies.


  1. Capri looks lovely, saw your photos on Instagram too! Glad you could go back to enjoy it during a better season this time :)

    1. hi yiann, thanks for your kind words. it was still freezing but at least we were in the right season ;)
