who brings home a suitcase of bones for her dog.
we roasted a huge leg of lamb from the butcher's recently, and guess which indulged rottie enjoyed the spoils of my culinary effort? it was so big i'd to break it into segments to fit the suitcase. thank goodness i'd the sense to check-in, if not there might have been some awkward questions to answer when clearing security.
but the look on that happy face was worth the potential customs hassle. my emotionally manipulative sweetheart really puts me through the wringer each time i go home. he has the cheek to ignore me the first day, giving me a taste of my own medicine for his perceived abandonment. i mean, he practically makes me grovel before showing any affection! even the mister was laughing as dear doggy studiously ignored me despite my cooing and using the special voice reserved for him :(
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