
Thursday, April 11, 2013

the home cooking continues but with vegetables this time!

you can almost say i was inspired by the supper club to actually get some cooking done at home :) and i also realised i can't possibly claim to be a responsible adult if my idea of cooking is zapping frozen lasagne. if i zapped home-made lasagne, well, there's a bit more self-respect in that. i'm also a big believer in having your cake and eating it (see tower of terror below). and even get a bit defensive when people presume that i am hand-less in the kitchen just because i used to be a (ugh) career woman. in fact, i don't like how 'career' comes before 'woman'. why can't i be a woman who works and also keeps house? it's funny how when people hear i'm a qualified lawyer in medical school, i'm automatically an over-achieving and un-marriable shrew till proven otherwise.

our tiny one-bedder is something i take pride in. keeping it clean, keeping the mister in clean, crease-free shirts and cooking our meals is a role that gives me great satisfaction. i've nothing but respect for homemakers who stay at home and do all that. power to you! but i'm at a stage where we've a small flat and no kids, leaving me with plenty of time on my hands. and what better time than now to expand my very limited repertoire? dinner parties are also this fantastically grown up concept for me, like you've really got to have your life together before you can have friends over. and honestly, it's so much more affordable than going to a restaurant. then again, the mister might change his mind after he sees this month's electricity bill. currently we can only fit people into our flat two at a time, sort of like a mini noah's ark, but you know, sometimes two friends with huge personalities is all you need. though it's even better when they come bringing enough dessert for an small nation!

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