
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

a bientot, NYC

so many things to see and do, so little time. but most importantly, mission accomplished! with less than 100 days to go, i was starting to panic a little that i had not gotten my dress. conventional wisdom dictates that wedding dresses are sorted at the very least six months before the wedding. and believe you me, there was no shortage of horror stories of the last minute gown scramble. thankfully, this whole gown hunt took all of thirty minutes. i kid you not. had anticipated it to take hours and hours, maybe even repeated trips to various boutiques and having to devote much of my limited brain space to sussing out the right dress. but whaddya know, one hit, one kill. sure, tried on a couple after just to be very sure that the one was truly the one. and it was. i got such a high from this overt show of hyperefficiency that i was on cloud 9 for the rest of the trip. gown shopping? pfft. piece of cake. ironically, it took longer to ring up the dress at the till because in my excitement i'd forgotten to tell my credit card company that i'd be stateside and they blocked the charge -_-  

yay to fuss-free, drama-less gown acquisition. don't know why i had bride wars playing out in my head. was nursing an irrational fear that i'd end up in a tug-of-war with another bride-to-be. not even close :)

being in new york again for the first time in almost five years felt like an awakening of sorts. mega envious of those lucky ones to call it home and am sorely tempted to take the boards once i graduate and do my training there. am less enamoured by london and hopeful that we too will be across the pond in due time. seeing how the manfriend grew up first in new york, then london so i'm pretty sure there won't be any complaints on that front!

thanks for reading the new york series. have been to cambridge since, and am now in phuket catching some tropical rays as the manfriend remains in the throes of wedding planning. be back soon xx

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