
Thursday, February 9, 2012

why i requested graduate housing

despite being a graduate student, i was flatly denied graduate housing because i'm not old enough. apparently having a first degree counts for nothing in housingofficeland. sucked it up and living with five fresh(wo)men. shall leave the horror that is to your imagination. my room's great and the best in the building, if you ask me. optimum level - not too much of a walk up but still a safe distance from the drunken pedestrains who pass on the pavement. have the luxury of two windows and another in my en suite. but my flatmates... let's just say we co-exist at the best of times.

anyway, the funniest thing happened in the kitchen tonight.

white british flatmate #1: do any of you have any ethnicity in your blood?
white british flatmate #2: yeah! my mom's catholic!

do i really have to explain this to you? there are so many things wrong with that conversation i don't know where to begin.

allow me to add that white british flatmate #3 has a self-declared "international palate" for the sole reason that she drowns everything in sweet chilli sauce.

welcome to my world.

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