
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

tea and sympathy

it's like that HIMYM episode 'autumn of breakups'. love my girlfriends to bits and try to give as good as i get. they're always just a text away and there have been more times than i care to admit when i've gone running to them for a shoulder to cry on. thankful most times it's just me 'having kittens' over something small and insignificant, sparing the mister who would be in the middle of a big meeting that i don't want to distract him from. also i think the sort of things that stress girls out are different from what stress boys? like i'd tell the mister something and he'd be nonplussed but i'd tell a girlfriend who'd proceed to sympathy freak-out with me, you know? 

anyhoos it was time to pay that back over the last few days with a couple of girlfriends going through rough patches. without going into the gory details, i'm amazed at how some men can be so thick, to not realise what a catch they have, to not value and cherish said catch and instead behave in completely irredeemable ways!!! like 'you've gotta be kidding if you think you're ever going to come back from saying something like that!" and i'm pleased i've girlfriends who don't put up with nonsense because they've more pride than to take it if someone is being unkind to them. fundamental, isn't it? but easier said than done. break ups are best amicable and in person, something akin to 'have a nice life' over text just shows what a degenerate someone is. i told the mister about that and he said it was a break up text but it was my turn to be too thick to realise it was. also think break ups aren't always sad - like instead of tea and sympathy it was actually liberation and we were celebrating her newfound freedom and release. but they're not always clean breaks, are they.

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