the weather is turning and not like i needed an excuse to do hotpot ! steamboat, shabu shabu, call it what you will. tried to explain it as 'chinese fondue' (ugh, why isn't fondue 'swiss steamboat'?!) but didn't really need much explaining as G&T are incredible foodies. in our pre-medicine lives, G has multiple degrees and was an engineer/quantity surveyor while T taught english in korea and japan. in fact, his palate is more azn than mine, and his spice tolerance puts me to shame.
i'm a sentimental sap and it's been about four years since we first met as not-so-fresh freshies. it's been a busy start to final year but incredible to still have them. will be the first to admit i'm only tolerable in small doses, hence sustaining relatively long-term friendships is such a bonus!). we're all over the place, T is an hour's drive away, G lives locally but is at a hospital further out and i keep quiet about being a 5min walk from my base. can't get over the spontaneity of this evening - G and i had been planning a girly night in after a long labour ward shift (her) and a whole day of neonates (me). T had been talking about visiting us at some point before christmas but who'd have known the stars would align for a cheeky school night dins! thought it a long shot but sounded him out and he was up for the drive in (and back :(). whoop :)
the last time the three of us were same place same time was for general medical council registration before summer! before elective! and i hate to think how it'll be some time yet before we meet again. before i get all melodramatic, medsch's been good in a large part thanks to the both of them always being there to talk me off the ledge, to know they've got my back and are always just an anguished text away.