
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

leftovers made better

got take out early in the week and managed to stretch the leftovers to two more days. should really be less parsimonious when it comes to food and learn to toss things beyond their 'best by' date because leftover rice is never a good idea. also should better apply scant medical knowledge to know that re-heating said leftover rice doesn't necessarily make it safe because while heat might kill the bacteria, they've already secreted the harmful toxins into the rice. but fingers crossed and lived to laosai another day. um there's really no magic to this and it's absolutely not photo-worthy but it tasted so good. had beef and prawns (weird combo but worked) in gravy, threw in tomatoes to make it healthy (oh who am i kidding) then re-fried the fried rice in the gravy, along with every thing else. took absolutely no skill nor culinary know how but super yummy almost risotto like in consistency because the gravy thickened some more and the rice poached in the saucy goodness. now to try to replicate it, hoping it wasn't a leftover jackpot that only happens once in a blue moon.

speaking of which, absolutely in love with this hilarious insta account. discovered it a few months ago and many of her illustrations and rhymes really speak to me.

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