
Thursday, July 9, 2015

spot of culture

one of my oldest and dearest friends came to stay last week. there are actually photos of us at each other's third birthday parties and beneath the shiny exteriors resort to similar toddler behaviour when together. T is a massive history buff and i knew we'd to visit the cemetery (not morbid) as part of the london tour. it's a place i'm familiar enough with having gone for many slow walks but never with as an observant an eye. when T stopped suddenly and burst out laughing, i tried to see what was so funny about a headstone. and there it was. the photograph speaks for itself but trust T to appreciate the significance of the victoria cross and how the deceased was one of the first few in the royal*naval*air*squadron (hope i got this right!). all that would've been lost on me, not knowing any of the acronyms nor being able to properly place them in time and space.

and when we finally broke free from the cemetery, it was onwards to the natural history museum. didn't have massive amounts of time as T had a train to catch but we made do. picked just the one room (dinos, duh) and were like kids in a candyshop. absolutely enthralled. don't have a personal mantra, but if i were to pick one, never lose the wonder would be in the running. because, really, there's so much to take in and the world is such a big and wonderful place.

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