
Monday, April 13, 2015

sao paolo

backlog travelogue but hey, better later than never! the mister had been wanting to go to patagonia since our first south american foray during his grad trip years ago but it took some time to finally get there. flew BA (yay for miles and companion voucher for free flights) and nothing worked. no in flight entertainment because the system was down, the seat didn't recline, the reading light didn't work so one can imagine this was a great 13h (?) start to the holiday. thankfully, i'm like a parrot and sleep once it's darks so with my trusty eye mask, disaster averted. to be fair, the fabulous flight attendant tried to make up for the BAs numerous shortcomings by plying me with double doses of alcohol. questionable coping mechanism right there but hey, whatever floats your boat.

hit the ground running bright and early in sao paolo and were met by L who is so gosh darn movie star handsome he has a nickname that can't be repeated in polite company. seriously. that guy is posterboy for their MBA class and has the clean cut good looks coupled with rogue-ish charm of presidential candidate, albeit less slimy uncle, more young upstart with ideals sort. anyhoos we'd a rapid half day in sao paolo with L before narrowly making out flight (uber fail, cab broke down twice en route to the airport. are you kidding meee...)

L is born and bred brazilian with italian heritage, we share the same values of family and food being paramount in life. so it was only natural that he knew the best places to go, was the best tour guide giving us a running commentary of the three business districts and demographs, culture. all the things that tickle our brains and i felt so familiar with the city after having a whistle-stop tour through it in the sunshine, amidst the capirinha haze. which was, also, life-changing. cashew fruit? amazing.

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