so i was a little cheeky and started planning my getaway when i should've been revising for exams. one of the beautiful things about low maintenance friendships is picking up where you left off. J is my closest friend from exchange (gosh, how has that been 5 years ago?!) and we've kept in touch over whatsapp, primarily. have been fortunate to hang out in person when she relocated down under, first to perth then sydney. visited in perth, she came to sg for our sg wedding celebration (albeit from aix where she was back for summer!) and is now moving to KL. jetset, much. haven't seen her for two years but she randomly whatsapped and said she was in aix for summer before the move and if i'd happen to be in france. the funny thing was, yes, i was going to be in france but not the south. one thing led to another and while i'm not at liberty to disclose the exact reason for my haste, we picked some dates and family M was ever so kind as to host me for a couple of days.
for a sentimental sap like me, being back in aix was like a homecoming. i last visited while on my grad trip in 2010 and it's a cliche but so much has changed, yet stayed the same. as if casa M was frozen in time and mama and papa M too. they were the most amazing, inclusive hosts and i've always felt so welcome. wonderful ryanair (NOT) was delayed so i ended up arriving in the evening instead of early afternoon. but landed to the yummiest provencale soup, following champers and canapes in the salon. these Ms, really know how to make a girl feel special! lots to catch up with J about and i'm constantly amazed by what she's doing. hats off!
bright and early (7am!) start the next day as we climbed mt saint victoire with papa M. snapped some photos and it took us a good few hours to get up and down. funny story there - the last time i visited, papa M commented that asians always take photos and he was right! i think my camera was the sad extension of my right hand and i do remember snapping away like there was no tomorrow. this time, however, i like to think i've grown up! was more into enjoying the moment and being absorbed and present. didn't take many photos except a couple to send family over whatsapp. obviously they were incredibly envious and wanting desperately to swap places.
after our bracing morning walk, we had a light breakfast then proceeded to undo the good by going to the nearby vineyards. there's something so rustic and charming about aix that makes it very hard to leave, and despite having yet to start work, i'm already plotting to retire there.

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