
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

social weekends

i go on like a broken down record when it comes to being sociably anti-social. this weekend was no different but with the buffer of last weekend in kent being just us, we just about managed. 

once again we'd the privilege of dear friends visiting from sg, and our little tribe of london transplants to catch up with. as we're both so busy in the week, the mister makes a point of having some alone time. it's not quite date night (oh how i hate the term) because, seriously, every day is date day/ night without kids. but it's nice that he's intentional about things, and about me, and i'm grateful for a husband who makes me feel speschul. so we'd a leisurely italian dinner in the 'hood before bracing ourselves for the onslaught of activity the weekend proper heralded.

saturday brunch bright and early with dear friends, who we realised are either lawyers or employed by sovereign wealth funds... finance can skew people's perceptions of money but our friends are incredibly grounded and sensible, something we don't take for granted. L and i have been friends since we were 6 and i'm beyond thrilled she's now based in london with her delightful husb. it's one of those happy situations where i thought she was amazing and no one would ever be good enough for her. then she met J and suddenly they made a lot of sense. it's not often that someone surpasses the already high expectations i have of an adequate +1. and yes, i'm a horribly demanding friend when it comes to not wanting my girlfriends to settle! the problem with brunch is that everyone rocks up late and there was a hangover casualty who shant be named and shamed. he texted the mister but rang me, to which we concluded that i strike fear in his heart and have to be politely rejected over the phone. we also had a bit of a laugh at his expense, because the mister was all, "dude. it's 1030. i've already done good work, been to the gym and gotten ready for brunch. what've you been doing with your life?" fair point!

and because we were 15 (!!!) minutes late turning up for brunch, the restaurant almost turned us away despite being empty. something about missing the breakfast hours. but the kind waitress took pity on our famished faces and the kitchen made an exception. i've never seen six people order so quickly!

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