
Friday, October 4, 2013

koya bar

the mister knows the way to my very asian heart is with hot soupy noodles. usually, it's bone*daddies ramen that does the trick after a long week. we decided to try koya bar after i thought it best to give our arteries a break. then again, this is the man who decided we'd have a korean fried chicken (jubo) feast right after cardiology week so health preservation isn't really a priority (BUT IT SHOULD BE!) on friday nights. i'm no food blogger (not hatin', just trying to play to my strengths) and taking photos of every single course is not for me. however we do relent and snap the odd photo to send to our folks to 1) remind them we're alive 2) not exactly wasting away. 

the sake came in convenient little one-cup size if you're lacking alcohol dehydrogenase (the mister is, i'm not) but after cardiology week came GI week and the joke was that drinkers have squeaky clean hearts but shriveled livers. don't quote me on this - i'm still figuring it out and you're better going to your actual doctor friends for proper health advice. so alcohol is also something i'm trying to cut back on. the first sip is always the best, anyway, so i'm slowly learning to stop at one.

that's the thing about clinicals. wonderful as they are, i'm starting to see how most things caused by lifestyle choices. and sure, we all know about some fit fiddle with no vice at all who dropped dead before 30. but it's a numbers game, isn't it. and i'm going to do whatever i can to improve my odds. take exercise! i KNOW it's good for you and have all the head knowledge to rattle off its multitude of benefits. but seeing decrepit old people who led sedentary lives and comparing them to their exercising counterparts? drastic difference. encouraged that it's never too late to start and trying to make baby steps. small things, like not cooking with salt, and exercising when i can, which fingers crossed will add up in the long run. like tesco says, every little helps!

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