
Thursday, May 2, 2013

why being married is good for me

back on mainland, i'd a little surprise waiting. knowing how hard it was for me to spend 10 days in the sun, sea and sand, the mister had ordered blooms, bubbles and a massage :) oh the mister, he spoils me so. now i feel like a right royal ingrate for whining about how he was pushing me out of my comfort zone and making me do all these outdoorsy activities i ordinarily would stay very far away from. and yes, i did have a great time in the galapagos and recognise how blessed i am to have been there with such a wonderful group of people. when i told S that the trip was the mister's idea and how i don't usually go out in the sun, he was almost hurt when he asked incredulously, 'so you didn't enjoy any of it then?!' and no, that's not true. i'd go so far as to say i enjoyed the 10 days immensely, in spite of myself, despite not being able to bathe for the first 48 hours. and that's why i need the mister - to constantly push me to my limits and beyond because i'd be a very boring person if left to my own devices.


  1. also, being married is good for Kai too, sure he knows it but no harm to show Kai this article ;)

    Rui xx

  2. oh rui you're the sweetest! thanks for sharing the link :) how they got all these men to measure their hanging*scrotums is beyond me X

    1. you're such a doctor!!!! hahahaha, yeah i have no idea. it was a rather detailed study for men. but i wonder what the study would be for women - independence???? ;) heehee. kidding xxx lots of love!
