
Friday, September 27, 2013

i spy

i've a bad habit of texting while walking, and often am too busy squinting into my screen to stop and smell the roses (or take in the sights and sounds as i pass them!) so this week, i've made a conscious effort not to fiddle with my phone while on the go. and sadly, it's not as easy as it sounds! i guess as i'm rushing from one place to another (note to self: stop rushing!) it's the only time i have to quickly check-in with my nearest and dearest. on the upside, i've absolutely no mobile signal in hospital - part lousy service provider, part indestructible griffin phone case. so that's nice that once i'm in the wards, i'm all switched off technology and all switched on patient-niceness. however, like an addict, the moment i'm out of the hospital, my fingers start twitching and i need my iphone fix. one'd have thought that vanity would be enough to make me curb the iphone addiction (frown lines and eye wrinkles, anyone?) but noooo...

so here's a photo of a front step i've passed almost weekly for the last two years but noticed for the first time last week.


and here's a pretty cathedral spotted through the train window when i wasn't looking at my phone either. 

while i'm trying to wrestle control away from them darn electronics, i've started this new thing of leaving my mobile in the hallway when i get home. the mister laughs at me for even trying, but i'm getting better at going cold turkey over the weekend. even went so far as to buy an alarm clock so 'my phone is my alarm' is no longer a valid excuse. years ago, when i was a guest with some dear family friends in paris, i noticed my host would leave his blackberry on the hall table every evening, and only pick it up in the morning. and that's when i realised that european companies respect office hours, and there was no need to have a crackberry extension like a fifth limb. some may argue that it's about seniority and while i was working, my heart would stop every time i saw an email from my boss. heyy, as no. 19 on a 19-man team, i'd to keep my wits about me haha. anyhoos that's all done and dusted with now, and i'm glad that even after starting doctoring, handover is handover and i'll rarely be so indispensable as to need to be contactable 24/7 :)

and over the weekend while we were in windsor, my rubbish service provider left me with zilch mobile reception so my phone was my camera, and nothing else. what bliss!

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