
Friday, May 10, 2013

and that concludes the easter travelogue

thank you for reading thus far :) it was a whirlwind trip and we're so grateful for the luxury of time. to be able to disappear for almost three weeks is not something we've done since undergraduate days. ecuador was amazing and i think we're onto something here! we really need to keep going west because anything east of lunnon can wait till we're back in singers, much as i miss our friends down under. on a side note, someone commented that she wished she'd gone to my uni because it looked like i was always traveling. uh, i wish? have been quite good about only traveling during uni holidays and was wondering if maybe she didn't get holidays while at uni. but holidays are only good when you know you've worked hard before, and need to work hard after. a perpetual holiday (not working, not studying, no kids) sounds great on paper but would probably meander into some aimless existence if it played out in real life. plus i don't think my family would be too pleased if i suddenly kicked my feet up and did nothing! come to think of it, they already think i'm doing nothing! it's as if i'm housewife first and student second ;) and that's when i realise looking after a husband and home is really such a doozy compared to school. it's fun! i love cooking and cleaning and decorating our flat. i maybe like pharmacology a bit less. 

and then on the weekends when the mister goes for schmoozy lawyer lunches, i get to tag along. which's great because it reminds me of my past life, when "hearing" takes on a different meaning than what i'm used to. it's no longer examining the cranial nerve VIII "so, have you noticed any changes in your hearing lately" but appearing in front of a judge-type person. and "fighting fire" is no longer what i do in the kitchen when yet another culinary adventure goes horribly wrong but real life client management. little things like that, really. had a friend in town last weekend who used to be a big four consultant before crossing over to medicine. funnily enough, her office was on the same street as where we'd dinner and we were talking about how different our lives have become since the quarter-life crisis. she's 10kg lighter than her corporate self, runs marathons and has also qualified as a yoga instructor (!!!)  how awesome is that? i don't think i'm very different, but maybe that just shows how ill-suited i was for the big bad concrete jungle. shrugs.

but summer is coming and in a couple of weeks i'll be done and dusted with school. we've some interesting plans. a couple of short jaunts lined up, siblings and cousins in town and lots of exploring londontown because the weather's good and i'm trying not to use my oyster*card till i've done 70 rides on foot instead... ohnikewhydoyoumakesuchawesomeshoes :(


  1. Jo... your post scared me: profile of former big-four consultant "she's 10kg lighter than her corporate self, runs marathons and has also qualified as a yoga instructor (!!!)"... does that mean if i stay in consulting i will be 10kg heavier?!?! oh no oh no! we need a catch-up so you offer me some life advice. xxx Rui

    1. hey rui haha you really need not worry!!! and please if anything you'd be the one dispensing life advice, missy harvard bizniz school. can't wait to see you in london over summer X
