
Monday, May 6, 2013

a little luxury

after what we'd presumed to be a rough n' tumble time in the galapagos (it wasn't. we actually put on weight despite the full day activities. just goes to show how well we were fed! and those hotels, ohmy, ultimate comfort) the mister thought he'd find something in the highlands for us to chill. little did we know that it'd be as action-packed as the galapagos, but in much better weather. it's a humble hut in the middle of the forest and what i really liked was how it's changed the lives of the locals. they've gone from being cow farmers to butterfly spotters and naturalist guides. and the hotel has given them training and health insurance. of course, the staff must think we're crazy to spend so much on a mere bed. i mean, how do you staff a hotel with people who've never left the village, much less set foot in even a guesthouse? before the hotel was built, it was untouched wilderness. and now it's minimal impact building but construction nevertheless. the chef shared a story in the car ride back that the staff were almost all from the nearby villages and how training them was an exercise in patience. one young cook even tried to garnish chocolate cake with pickles, because "if you can do it with kiwi, why can't i use a pickle?" now how do you begin to explain why...

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