
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

river walking

stayed put over easter and made the most of the downtime. it was truly restorative to be able to sleep in after a long placement in intensive care. the days flew by and when the weather was good, i tried to leave the house at least once. hermetic habits die hard! not one for vigorous exercise but do enjoy a leisurely stroll when the fancy takes me. being near the river is a plus and walking along it even better. went a'wandering on a couple of days and cobbled the photos together for this post. liked watching the row boats along the thames, the hidden pathways and general sense that summer was on its way.

and aren't these blooms gorgeous? went trigger happy taking them to send to my grandmother who inspires a love of all things arboreal in me. who needs to go to japan for sakura? ;)

at some point i also had tea with a dear friend. we met serendipitously when we both happened to be in dublin visiting my cousin, then somehow had our paths cross every few years. with T in singers for a fellowship at KK, me going to stockholm on exchange (T is swedish!) and even now with T doing a sports medicine masters in london. hankering for english tea, found a pretty place and caught up in the bird cage.

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