
Monday, April 27, 2015

baby watch

hadn't realised that my third placement would give me ring-side seats for the royal baby watch. since i started, the number of eager royalists has grown steadily, from the lone gent above to the camp below. they're friendly and happy to have their pictures taken, especially when i explain that my grandmother in singers is looking forward to the birth, too. not looking forward to the throng of people that will make actually getting into work difficult, but we've already scoped out the best wards to catch a glimpse of royal baby from so i suppose it works both ways! was trying to take a shortcut to main outpatients earlier today and clocked burly security guards by lindo wing entrance. suppose they don't want curious onlookers actually hanging around inside the hospital building. don't get the media fascination (there's a trickle of reporters now but the press pens and vans are at the ready). was amused by the lone lost-looking japanese media crew wandering around last week. either didn't get the memo or display of asian hyper-efficiency. your guess is as good as mine!

have more than one friend staying in the development and have squeezed in one lunch by the water so far. most times it's straight from morning rounds to pm clinic, or literally running from one thing to the next but i'm trying to sustain my pop out for lunch habit for fresh air and head-clearing. as always, the first couple of weeks are a steep learning curve and there's so much to absorb just by being with the firm. constantly reminded of the innumerable gaps in my knowledge and am continually humbled. there's just so much to know and i do sometimes wish i'd done a doss placement instead. then i kick myself for being lazy, for not wanting to make the very most of this second bite of the university cherry. grateful for ever-eminent supervisor and his firm of superstars who are lovely, patient and happy to teach. doesn't happen often, especially on a busy unit but hey, no complaints ;)

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