
Monday, November 10, 2014

fast castle

one of the best things about fourth year is wednesdays and friday mornings off. there is no other word for it but shiiiiok. having made it to the other side of the crazy that was third year, it's welcome respite from intense clinicals that were still only a fraction of real life doctoring. suspending reality these couple of months more is not something i'm too fussed about, although i do oscillate between relishing the oodles of time i have and wishing there was some way of telescoping the program so i graduate faster. but back to making the most of the down time - spontaneously decided to go walking on the cliffs. no cliffside walks in the city? nevermind, head for the wilderness! actually tell a lie, this was a weekend walk because the mister was still in NYC but hey, who's keeping track of the days.

grateful for indulgent friends who drive because i'm too ayam to drive without the mister next to me. fast castle was, for want of a better description, a pile of rocks. but it had that rugged charm and despite lacking a national trust gift shop + cafe (actually a good thing?) was beautiful to walk to amidst the heather and gorse. with enough imagination one could just about make out what it'd have looked like in its heyday. 

it was a windy and there was the added bonus of hearing the wind howling through the cracks in the rock, sounding like a haunting howl and seals! yes, seals! many seals flopping around the shallow and wriggling themselves up the beach. even tiny baby seals frolicking and unless one was quiet and looked closely, it was so easy to miss. i felt small, and humbled, like a tiny and insignificant yet loved part of the universe. and that was nice :)

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