was thrilled to have a brief respite from family-hosting (my folks had just left, the mister's folks had yet to arrive) and seized the chance to brave an 'endurance day' with these fine young men. it meant even more that exactly a year ago, they'd come all the way to iceland to watch us get married. i mean, sure i adore them but i don't know if i'd ever travel more than an hour to witness them say i do ;) and on the topic of endurance and respite, i did have to slip away for the afternoon to give them a break from me. because goodness knows i'm only tolerable in small doses. there may or may not have been rat roadkill involved before this, and i may or may not have accidentally shrieked right into someone's ear, and may or may not have been roundly chastised and told to man up. at which point i decided that it was chicks before you-know-whats and linked up with M for tea instead. but that didn't stop them for dressing up to the 9s and landing on my doorstep for dinner. thankfully the mister was around to hold fort because there's only so much testosterone i can tolerate. this was another speedy meal but any excuse to fine tune cooking-on-demand and when everything is washed down with more single malt than sensible, and talk turns to impotent vikings (?!) it's time to say goodnight.
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