so when my baby sister came to visit, we decided we'd go a'exploring to
brighton. didn't help that we picked the wettest day of the year to
visit the seaside town! or that my sibs got separated at the station
just before we caught the train to brighton. mini drama aside, we did
make it to brighton in one piece and realised, to our horror, that it's a
really small town. it took all the patience i could muster not to
hightail it out on the next train back to londontown. which is a shame,
really, because i should've given it a chance. we mosey-ed along the
little streets, ducked in and out of cute little shops like utility.
having been warned of bad oysters (and there was no 'R' in june!) we
gave them little suckers a pass but had a hearty deli lunch near the
pier, then sought shelter from the storm at an ice cream parlour. the
pier was o-k? kiddos had a blast with the arcade games and i'd fun
watching them dance off. occasionally i forget they were blessed with
talent that somehow skipped me (you know, like how the first pancake is
always a write-off) and they're both amazing dancers. it was a fun enough day trip but given a chance i would have explored lunnon instead. lesson learnt!

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