
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

delaying tactics

so there i was, convinced that great drive and determination would kick in once i started medsch.  

nevermind that i've only ever had open book exams as an undergrad.  

nevermind that the bar exam was also open book.  

nevermind that the last time i tried to memorise anything was when i took my a levels many many moons ago. 

in my mind, once i started school, my memory would magically jump start and i'd find learning a breeze because i was 
1) interested 
2) mature 
3) science-inclined

naturally, no such luck. 

i like the course, love learning (for real!) and find most of medicine fascinating. some of it makes sense now, some of it doesn't. keep thinking long term - where do i want to be in five years (uh, graduated, thank you very much) and everything i do now is for the benefit of my future patients (bless them). 

then why oh why is it so very hard to apply my bum to the chair and get down to real work?

the first exam (monday 7th nov) has crept up on me and, uh, here's to attempting to cram 7 weeks of intense classes into 4 days... while flat on my back with freshers' flu. oh joy.

go me!


  1. oh dear! haha don't be too harsh on yourself. it'll take time to kick-start that brain of ours after so many moons of not studying ;)

    meanwhile i hope you recover from your cold, and that you get into the momentum of school soon!

  2. hi zee! thanks for checking in and for the good wishes :) feeling much better today. awful GP took one look at me and said, "toughen up. it's just the common cold..." and dismissed me from his surgery. ouch! trust you've been well. congrats on getting the keys to your house. eggciting times :)
