
Saturday, November 9, 2013

the himalayas

i harbour no intentions to ever climb to base camp, much less conquer everest. but soaking up the himalayas from the plane window? spectacular. even more so when bathed in that dewy golden light of dawn. didn't hurt that breakfast was being served (doesn't a hot meal make everything even better?) and despite the screaming baby (AUGH i have a personal vendetta against parents who irresponsibly let their offspring yell away... -death glare-) the views were pretty darn awesome. oh my, parents. maybe it's just me but they can be so entitled and self-absorbed. i'm at the age where my fb newsfeed is flooded with baby photos and updates, to the point where i'm so glad for fb's block function. 

i really don't care if your kid produced a poop. or rolled over. or pulled gas-induced funny face. by the same token, people probably don't care about what the mister and i get up to in london, so i really shouldn't judge being similarly guilty of splashing a (small) part of our lives on fb. 

obnoxious parent rant aside, we bent our "go west" rule for india (and for the maldives in january) because the world is so big and there's so much we want to see. again, maximising being in london and trying to keep our travels west-ward or europe-bound, but occasionally the opportunity to fly east is too good to resist. doesn't hurt that the mister is ever-organised and ever-resourceful, making every holiday happen because i just follow for the ride (and photos, he doesn't take many photos). occasionally he's on my case for putting some of it on social media (his friends know exactly what he's up to despite him keeping a low profile) and i'm slowly figuring out what's kosher, or not. london's an amazing city and we're so grateful to be living here. but we do have our off days, more me than him, and occasionally get itchy feet desperately in need of a change of scenery. so tadaaa! mr. planner supreme throws a metaphorical dart at our equally metaphorical world map and it's off to more exotic climes. 


p/s brief travelogue to follow in the next few days :)

p/p/s it's not our first foray to the subcontinent! if you'd like to see, we've visited in 2010 and i even did a piece on goa that the lovely lavishley was so kind as to publish.

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