now i had the privilege of attending an all girls' school that believed in being well-groomed more than it believed in sending us to 'outward*bound school'. while other teenaged girls were doing night hikes and confidence jumps, we were schooled on etiquette, carriage and what colours would match our skin tone. looking at me, you can't tell, but i assure you my alma mater went to great lengths to see we were as presentable as possible. while i don't harbour taitai (lady of leisure) aspirations, secret or otherwise, i'm also hardly the outdoorsy type. regarding being a taitai, i really don't think i could take myself seriously if i dropped everything to be a wife. i mean, if there were children in the equation it's a fair point but to stop work just to look after my able-bodied spouse? no thanks. ohmy now how did this end up an anti-taitai rant? :)
anyhoos i was talking about kayaking. and how i've only ever kayaked once. in the maldives. in crystal clear calm water. this was a whole different kettle of fish ! the current was strong, the sun stronger and there were times when i think our guide feared our fledgling marriage wouldn't survive the kayak. but it was an epiphany, really, and i'm glad we did all five hours (!!!) of it. and when it was time for the boat to tow the kayaks back to shore, i was relieved we didn't have to paddle ourselves all that way back.

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