on our last full day in the archipelago, we chartered this sweet ride to sea. ever the responsible guide, S offered me the 'out' of taking the zodiac to shore with the kiddies to snorkel in the protected bay while the rest powered their way in from the high seas. it didn't take much convincing and i'm glad i spared myself the imminent motion sickness had i been gung ho and adamant about swimming in myself. we moseyed over to the cutest little lagoon at bahia ballena, then walked on the rocks on the other side of the island.

where all manner of wildlife awaited us. there were blue-footed boobies, sea lioness-es nursing their cubs, too many marine iguanas to count, lava lizard and lava heron. in the water, we swam with sea lions, turtles, rays and sharks. someone even saw an octopus! through the trip i kept laughing every time guide pointed out something and very counter-intuitively, we'd swim to it. who'd have thought i'd ever willingly swim towards a shark...
and M, the darling 15 year old in the group, was ducking out of my way. when i thought she was playing hide and seek with the sea lion.
there was a magical moment at the end where we sat in complete silence and stillness for 4minutes to take in the sounds of the galapagos. simple as it may sound, it was one of the highlights for me as we sat and watched the animals watch us.